Intense bursts of exercise throughout the day may yield metabolic benefits.
Sprint 4 seconds to health. Intense bursts of exercise throughout the day may yield metabolic benefits.
Full disclosure. The workout I present today is not the workout I do or recommend. But I present some recent research findings as a reminder that any movement can provide value. You have heard it on innumerable occasions, from me and others. Regular physical activity is right for you. Benefits may include:
- Weight control.
- Reduction in risk of heart disease.
- Help you manage blood sugar and insulin levels.
- Improve your mental health and mood.
- Help improve your brain (thinking, judgment, learning, and more).
- Strengthen your bones and muscles.
- Reduce your risk of some cancers, including of the breast, colon, lung, and uterus.
- Help you quit smoking.
- Reduce your risk of falls.
- Increase your odds of living longer.
Oh, one more thing: It can improve your sexual health. For men, exercise can lower the risk of erectile dysfunction. For women, physical activity may increase sexual arousal.

Go here to learn more how you can sprint 4 seconds to better health:
Read “Springt 4 Seconds to Health?” Here’s one more thing…