Get more out of exercise by using music: Listening to music while running may be an essential way to improve your game. This is the conclusion of the first study to look at the effect of listening to music playlists on endurance running performance when mentally tired.
Here’s what researchers at the University of Edinburgh did: They performed two tests. The first test examined the effects of music on interval running capacity in nine physically active participants. The subjects alternated between high-intensity running and lower-intensity jogging. The second test involved nine trained runners who completed a 5-kilometer time trial.
The research team helped the participants choose motivational songs (using a pre-test questionnaire that asked the subjects to rate style, rhythm, tempo, melody, sound, and the beat of the music). Both group members performed a 30-minute computer-based cognitive test that put them in a state of mental fatigue. The participants then performed high-intensity exercises with or without self-selected music.
The exercising subjects had assessments at several points during physical activity, focusing on heart rate and rating of perceived exertion (RPE).RPE: The Three Letters You Need to Know for Optimizing Your WorkoutRATE OF PERCEIVED EXERTION (RPE) can be a valuable tool to track your effort for physical activity. Today we explore…
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