WHICH OF THESE DRUGS LOWERS THE CHANCES that you will suffer from severe COVID-related symptoms? Is it ivermectin? Fluvoxamine? Or do you think metformin reduces severe COVID-19-related symptoms? Or is it none of these?
- Ivermectin
- Metformin
- Fluvoxamine
- None of these
A recent randomized trial examined the effectiveness of three repurposed drugs — ivermectin, metformin, and fluvoxamine — in preventing severe COVID-19 infection in non-hospitalized adults.
Lowering the risk of severe COVID
American researchers enrolled over 1,400 individuals in a clinical study within three days of a confirmed COVID-19 infection. All entered the study six days after symptom onset. Approximately half (52%) of the patients had a previous vaccination against COVID-19.
The study randomly assigned each participant into one of six drug groups:
- Fluvoxamine/metformin
- Ivermectin/metformin
- Fluvoxamine/placebo
- Ivermectin/placebo
- Metformin/placebo
- Placebo/placebo
Here are the results, with the primary endpoint a composite of hypoxemia (lack of oxygen), emergency department visits, hospitalization, or death:
All three drugs failed to prevent severe COVID-19 infection. However, looking specifically at emergency department visits, hospitalization, or death, the odds ratios for all three were 0.58 with metformin, 1.17 with fluvoxamine, and 1.39 with ivermectin.
This means that those on metformin were 42 percent less likely to present to the ED, be hospitalized, or die compared with placebo.
The authors concluded that all three drugs failed to prevent severe COVID-19 infection, but metformin is promising for preventing emergency department visits, hospitalization, and death.
Metformin and COVID-19 — My take
Metformin shows promise in lowering the probability of needing to go to the emergency department, hospital admission, or death from COVID.
The study is admittedly imperfect: The researchers focused on overweight patients, so the generalizability of the findings remains unknown. In addition, few of the patients were Black or Latinx.
In addition, the home devices’ lack of oxygen (hypoxemia) measurements can be inaccurate.
Previous observational studies demonstrated an association between metformin use and less severe COVID-19 in patients already taking metformin for https://drmichaelhunter.medium.com/membershipother reasons. I look forward to seeing more research on the subject.
The information I provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you seek medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. I am not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this blog.
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