The participants had measures of their blood pressure up to four times over 12 years. Researchers used blood pressure measurements and brain scans to determine brain age, a measure of brain health.... Read More
Reduce Back Pain With Your Mind
Over 85 percent of patients seen in primary care have non-specific low back pain — there is back pain with no identifiable underlying condition. Can psychological therapy provide lasting chronic pain relief? The answer appears to be yes.... Read More
Black Men and Prostate Cancer – We Have to Do Better
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening is more controversial today than decades ago. Critics of PSA screening point to the potential harms of unnecessary treatment. Proponents of the intervention offer a direct relationship between PSA screening and diagnosing prostate cancer at an earlier (and more curable) stage.... Read More
Improve Your Cholesterol With This One Trick
Dr. Emilio Ros, director of the Lipid Clinic, Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, and colleagues conducted a randomized clinical trial. Could a walnut-supplemented diet improve health?... Read More
HIIT Exercise Training: What is the Optimal Duration?
at, and blood sugar levels among those with type 2 diabetes. This efficient approach yielded improvements similar to those seen with 45 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.... Read More
Bill Gates is Optimistic About Alzheimer’s Dementia Diagnosis
One in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. It kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.... Read More