A new study, fresh off the press this week, has added fuel to the already burgeoning evidence linking coffee consumption to a lower risk of certain cancers, specifically malignant melanoma in older adults. ... Read More
Vitamin D and Melanoma
The most important tool to lower your melanoma risk is to protect yourself against ultraviolet (UV) rays. Have good sun safety practices when you are outdoors.... Read More
Fish Consumption and Melanoma
A RECENT STUDY LINKS FISH CONSUMPTION with melanoma, a potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer. If you are a fish consumer, should you change your diet based on the results? The... Read More
Immunotherapy and Melanoma: Wow!
Symptoms may include a large brown spot with darker speckles; a mole that changes in color, size, or feel, or that bleeds; a small lesion with an irregular border, and sections that appear red, white, blue, or bluish-black; and dark lesions on your palms, soles, fingertips or toes, or on mucous membranes lining your nose, mouth, vagina or anus.... Read More
How Fasting May Fight Cancer
ow. I love that the fasting-mimicking diet had a broad and favorable effect on immune system function. The diet approach led to many anti-cancer programs in the cancer cells.... Read More