Some, but not all, studies have linked watching television to a higher probability of suffering from potentially deadly blood clots (for example, in the legs). Now comes more evidence of an association between this sedentary behavior and thromboembolic phenomena.... Read More
Long Covid and Your Gut
At three months, 81 percent of the patients with COVID had post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS), or long COVID. In other words, the affected subjects had at least one persistent and otherwise unexplained symptom.... Read More
Drop Your Cancer Risk
I hesitate to use the word exercise; instead, let’s focus on physical activity. Aim for walking 30 minutes daily, five times per week of moderate activity (versus three times per week of vigorous physical activity). Do this work, and you will lower your cancer risk, including bladder, breast, colon, kidney, uterus cancer, and more.... Read More
Wellness Goals For 2022
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU. I genuinely appreciate that you take time out of your day to read my musings. Today, I want to focus on my three pillars of health... Read More
Genes Influence Beverage Choices
Researchers are increasingly reporting health benefits associated with the consumption of moderate amounts of black coffee. Do you drink three to five cups daily? Good for you — we have some evidence that you may be lowering your risk of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.... Read More
Dropping Stress in the Covid-19 Era
Another approach is to lie on your back. Place one hand on your chest and a light book (or the other hand) on your abdomen. Next, breathe in so that the book moves a maximal amount as you keep the hand on your chest still. Try doing it for seven minutes or more, and remember to keep focusing on your breathing.... Read More