Observational studies (and even some randomized controlled trials) suggest a benefit to paper masks, but there is no high-level, conclusive evidence that these masks meaningfully reduce COVID-19 transmission.... Read More
Fake Sugar and Your Health
High circulating levels of erythritol can contribute to increased rates of heart attack and stroke by promoting platelet aggregation and blood clot development.... Read More
Unlock Agelessness: My 5 Keys
The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) — the longest-running study of human aging — shows that we typically slowly lose muscle power, linearly at first and then faster at 65 for women (and 70 for men).... Read More
Forget Body Mass Index?
Does the bodybuilding gym rat 5' 8" me, who weighed 165 at my peak building phase, have the same BMI as a couch sitter of the same height and weight? Yes.... Read More
Magic Mushrooms and Depression
“Depression is a response to past loss, and anxiety is a response to future loss.”... Read More
My Top 6 Testosterone Thiefs
But how can I optimize my testosterone levels (for bodybuilding and more) without taking the substance?... Read More