Do this at work to improve your health. Do you sit for hours at a desk? I know that I sometimes work at a desk for hours. Being sedentary puts you at risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a host of other health problems. Anyone who reads my posts regularly knows how strongly I feel about the positive effects of avoiding being sedentary.
I have written about the benefits of physical activity. Move, and you can see positive benefits on markers of aging, such as your telomeres.How Can You Keep Your DNA Young?Telomeres protect our chromosomes, with telomere length related to several age-related diseases, cancer, and
But today, I want to chat with you about a recent study hinting at a simple way you can avoid significantly harming your metabolic health. Investigators at The Karolinska Institute (Sweden) wondered what would happen if middle-aged office workers broke up sitting time over a three-week time frame.

Each subject had a high risk for metabolic health issues such as diabetes. The participants had baseline checks of metabolic health. Each wore activity monitors for a week to get baseline measures of health. The researchers then randomized the volunteers to a control group versus an intervention group.
The intervention used an app that alerted them every 30 minutes (during the workday) to rise and be active for three minutes. The activity group members walked the hallways, climbed stairs, marched in place, hopped, squatted. They moved in some fashion, trying not to distract their co-workers. They needed to take at least fifteen steps before the app recorded their movement as an activity break.
Let’s look at the findings after three weeks. The subjects returned for more metabolic tests. The results of the control and the activity group appeared significantly different:
Do this at work to improve your health. Please go here to learn more (and don’t forget to sign up below to follow me):
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