HOW CAN YOU and I make happiness a habit? Today we look at one of my favorite ways you can cultivate happiness. Advance your sense of well-being.
I experienced it as I stood before the Great Pyramids of Egypt. I felt the sensation the first time I listened to Glenn Gould playing Bach’s Goldberg Variations for piano. And yes, I had the experience as I visited the Grand Canyon and the nearby Antelope Canyon.

Experiencing awe. When I experience it, I feel like I am a part of something greater than myself. An awe experience may not only change how you feel but can influence your behavior. You may gain a sense of more connectedness to something bigger than yourself.
Writing in a landmark 2003 article, psychologists Keltner and Haidt presented a conceptual approach to awe. They believe that two phenomena characterize an awe experience: Perceived vastness and need for accommodation. The latter is an experience that violates our usual understanding of the world. Cognitive realignment.
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