HIIT exercise training: What is the optimal duration?
Do you practice high-intensity interval training? This training method is sure to push you out of your comfort zone. It is challenging and takes your cardio workout to a higher level.
You may use high-intensity interval training with any workout type. Do stair climbing, running, rowing, or jumping rope? You can incorporate HIIT to amp up your game.
HIIT involves working up a sweat by doing physical activity to a very intense level. Then, you back off for a slower recovery period before returning to another round of high intensity.
A HIIT workout will have you working harder than you do with your typical cardio workout. But you’ll do the HIIT workout in bursts lasting 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Recover for a similar time (or longer).
Why HIIT? As little as four minutes of HIIT (thrice weekly for twelve weeks) improved cardiorespiratory fitness, liver fat, and blood sugar levels among those with type 2 diabetes. This efficient approach yielded improvements similar to those seen with 45 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

HIIT is not for everyone. This workout type can put significant demands on your heart, so you need to check in with your doctor (or other appropriate healthcare professional) before considering doing it. The approach is not possible for some with muscle or joint problems (such as arthritis). If you are pregnant, check in with your doctor before considering HIIT.
Back to the original question: What is the optimal duration if you do high-intensity interval (HIIT) training? If you do more than ten minutes, you are outside the time limits for any of the many approaches to HIIT. That is not to say that your workout is necessarily bad; instead, it does not fit the definition of high-intensity interval training. In addition, training too long may subject you to overuse injuries.
Also, if your workout or high-intensity intervals are too long, then you will not be able to sustain the “high-intensity.” You are doing “interval training” without the high-intensity part. You may be able to train longer or to train hard. Both both? If you want to do HIIT, keep it to approximately 4 to 15 minutes.
HIIT exercise training: What is the optimal duration? Please go here to learn more:
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