BODYBUILDER ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER RECENTLY explained his strategy to construct workouts that can be done at a gym or home. Moreover, his plan reasonably fits into a busy day. Finally, you can increase the workout intensity as you progress. Today we learn how to exercise the Arnold way.
I need to construct my workouts with increasing care as I age. Potential injury lurks around every corner.
I suffered a hernia a couple of years back. I did four sets of ten reps on a leg press machine. Yes, with the entire stack. Too much ego translated to outpatient surgery quite nicely.
In this context, I was delighted to see Schwarzenegger demonstrate how he adapts to age. Over the last several years, the bodybuilding legend has tried to shift the fitness narrative away from mirror muscles to long-term wellness. Of course, he has yet to abandon pumping up completely.
I once attended his Arnold Sports Festival, an annual event centered around a top bodybuilding competition incorporating more than 50 sports. My son competed there as a saber fencer years ago.
In a recent Men’s Health article, the remarkable talent offers a strategy to create workouts that do not hinge solely on churning out neverending reps with weights.
What I find most innovative is this:
Each exercise must correspond to one of five movement types: push, pull, squat, hinge, and carry.
You select an exercise in each category according to your preferences and selected difficulty. Let’s get right to the five approaches.
1. Squat
Exercise examples in the “squat” category include the following:
- Leg presses
- Bodyweight squats

- Goblet squats:

- Rear foot elevated split squats
My physical therapist has me doing these four as a central part of my rehabilitation for an ice-related right patellar tendon injury.
2. Pull
Let’s move on to the next category, pulling. Here are some examples of exercises you can perform to fulfill the program’s goals:
- Seated machine rows
- TRX rows
- Dumbbell single-arm row:

- Bodyweight (inverted) row
- Pull-ups
3. Hinge
Here are the hinge movements:
- Straight leg deadlift
- Hip thrust/hip raise
- Kettlebell swing:

4. Push
Examples of physical activities in the “push” category include:
- Incline pushups:

- Machine chest press
- Standing band chest press
- Dumbbell chest press.
5. Carry
Finally, the “carry” exercises:
- Farmer carry
For instance, you can complete a workout at home (with no gym equipment). Schwarzenegger suggests doing a superset of bodyweight squats and bodyweight inverted rows. Then do a superset of hip raise and incline pushup. End with a carrying movement, such as with a loaded backpack.
Writing in Men’s Health, Schwazenneger explains that
“If you’re short on time, superset the first four movements into two pairs and perform them back-to-back, resting as little as possible between sets,” says Schwarzenegger. “After doing the first pair, rest for 2 minutes and repeat the first two exercises. Follow this pattern until all sets are done, and then move to the next exercise pair.”
He continues:
“You can perform this plan 3 to 4 times per week,” he says. “Start with 2–3 sets of 10–12 reps each. Rest 2 minutes after you complete a set or superset. As you build confidence and conditioning, add 1 to 2 more sets. If you really want to push the pace, combine all five exercises into one giant circuit.”
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